At last! When acupuncture first publicly arrived on the scene in the US in the 70’s, the medical establishment’s first concern was to be certain that the ‘new’ therapy was safe and wouldn’t harm the public. After the millennium the safety concerns began to be put aside following a landmark NIH study in 1997 that confirmed acupuncture is safe & effective and encouraged researchers to turn to efficacy.
Most of the researchers seem reluctant to verify that acupuncture is highly efficacious, consequently the studies’ highest accolades seem to be acknowledging that acupuncture can match western medicine in terms of effectiveness.
Duke University has a integrative medical department that is in the forefront of the field. It has recently released a study showing acupuncture is more effective than drugs for headaches. This is the first of its kind that i have seen. the study documented 62% relief in acupuncture patients compared to 45% effectiveness for those using drug therapy. Here’s a 3min video from Duke University talking about the findings and interviewing an acupuncture migraine headache patient.
This is an article I have written discussing how acupuncture treats headaches. A few older studies are included. KB
Photo: RambergMediaImages , Flickr Creative Commons 2.0
Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture are first and foremost a preventive type of medicine. It is lack of information that makes people wait until it is to late to prevent disease. We are not in tune with our own bodies, and we pay dearly for it. I believe that the way Chinese medicine looks at health can help give us a better hold on the prevention aspects of Medicine. Chinese herbal medicine is one of the great herbal systems of the world, with an unbroken tradition going back to the 3rd century BC. Yet throughout its history it has continually developed in response to changing clinical conditions, and has been sustained by research into every aspect of its use. This process continues today with the development of modern medical diagnostic techniques and knowledge.