It’s a well-known fact that Americans do not eat enough fruits & vegetables. In fact many often go through the day without eating any. Here’s an easy & delicious recipe for Roasted Cauliflower. Cauliflower is probably not one of most peoples favorite veggies, but cooked well it is surprisingly tasty. My mother used to bake it in a cheese sauce, which I loved. I find baking it will a little oil is much more satisfying than the usual steamed. Look for purple and yellow cauliflower in a natural food store with an adventurous produce section. It’s colorful and more flavorful that the plain standby, white. KB
Roasted Cauliflower
1 head cauliflower
olive oil
salt & pepper
Rinse and cut the cauliflower into 1 1/2″ fleurettes. place in a 9×9 Pyrex dish. Sprinkle with oil, salt and pepper. Cover with foil and roast until fragrant and tender (30 min +/-). Serve.