- Are you perpetually tormented by itchy, watery eyes and runny nose during the spring & fall?
- Do you suffer from headaches and sinus pain?
- Is your breathing impaired from chronic sinus congestion?
- Are you tired of pills, shots and inhalers which may temporarily suppress symptoms but do not solve the problem?
- Would you like a different approach?
Consider Chinese medicine.
Kath Bartlett, Licensed Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Herbalist will discuss how acupuncture and Chinese herbs bring lasting sinus & allergy reliefTuesday, March 13th, 7p at Malaprops.
- Discover how Chinese medicine relieves symptoms in the short-term while building immune function for a long-term solution.
- Learn how anti-bacterial herbs treat sinus infections causing post nasal drip and chronic congestion.
- See real patients receive instant pain relief during an acupuncture demonstration.
During this 45min talk, Bartlett will focus on environmental allergies – pollen, molds, pet dander – and chronic sinusitis. She will answer your questions about other types of allergens: foods and chemicals that cause G/I symptoms, hives and rashes during the Q&A; and post-talk discussion about Chinese medicine.
Join Kath for an interesting, informative journey.
photo: Mcfarlandmo, flikr, creative commons 2.0